Hellraiser and Pop Culture Fan: Christopher Thompson




Christopher Thompson:


Author, horror and pop culture expert and devoted friend and proud Canadian. We first began having long conversations on instagram about horror film, it was kind of a no brainer to ask him to take our chats to the podcast.


He has a true passion for Hellraiser and that entire universe that extends into comic books and collectibles along with great stories of going to conventions to meet his idols and their signatures. This man is a serious collector! With stories to match!



His love of the Hellraiser franchise extends to his creation of fan fiction that can be found here. Since the stories are not entirely his creation since they involve characters, not of his creation, all proceeds go to charity.

He is a regular contributor to the podcast, so for more, follow us wherever you listen to podcasts. And check back here for more pics of his collections.


Find Mr. Thompson on instagram @theauthor_ and his professional page @talesofchristopherthompson. And of course follow the podcast to hear more of our fun and interesting conversations! So far listed on Outcast, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, TuneIn, Amazon and Radiopublic...so far.


Or bookmark this page, all of his episodes will be listed here.



