Macabre…ish Horror Review: Nowhere



Nowhere, 2023/ 1 hr 49


Spain has fallen into chaos as a Totalitarian government runs it into the ground. The population is running out of food and the decision is made to kill the elderly and when that’s not enough, the children and pregnant women are next. And so families started looking for ways out. Mostly being smuggled out, some by shipping container and across the ocean. One couple, Nico (Tamar Novas) and Mia (Anna Castillo), are pregnant and get passage on a shipping container. But when they are suddenly and unceremoniously split up and Nico is put on a different container, Mia is alone when her container is shot up and all of the other stowaways are killed.


She has a phone and talks to Nico and he tells her everything will be ok. She later calls Nico tell him to hide and inquire as to where he is but she only gets his voicemail. After being loaded onto the ship, rough seas and a storm, shes knocked out. But not for long because after the ship is hit with huge waves, her container and a few others are scattered at sea. She tries to call Nico again but there is no signal. Then Mias container begins to take on water.


She springs to action breaking open crates and using what she can find to problem solve.

The container closest to her, she can hear it is filled with people and their screams of terror, as it slips underwater. The container looks like the one Nico was in and she assumes he is gone.


Mia falls asleep after listening to Nico’s voicemail message over and over, only to wake up in the middle of a storm with the container rapidly filling the with water. She gets to work getting the water out. Then a miracle happens, her phone rings and its Nico! She explains that her container fell off the boat and she has no idea where she is.


Then her water breaks and later that night during a raging storm, with the container filling with water, the baby is born. Her name is Noah.


Mia is quickly running out of water and food, they have to get out of that container. And she just so happens to have a few tools too make that happen. As expected the container is floating in open water and nothing else is around. But Mia does discover, while emptying her baby’s diaper, a way to attract fish. And so rigs up a make shift net and soon has containers of fish.


It’s not long before Mia decides it’s time to try to escape, the arrival of seagulls tells her land is near. So she builds a tiny raft, Noah will fit inside and Mia will kick behind, tethered to the raft.


She just has to make it to land…



Though this movie is a survival thriller I can think of few instances more terrifying than the plot of this story. It is directed by Albert Pintó and it is a Spanish movie. It is riveting and captivating, I was hooked to the bitter end.
