Macabre...ish Horror Review: The Stand
The Stand, 1994/ 366 min.
In California, an Army duty guard named Campion, abandons his post, grabs his family and flees as the alarm sounds. The alert that the weaponized flu has accidentally been released. They make it to West Texas before Campion succumbs to the illness, crashing into a fuel station in Arnette, Tx, his wife and baby, long dead.
This begins a long chain of events that causes the town to be quarantined and the inhabitants carted off to the CDC facility for observation. The illness is called Superflu or Captain Trips and becomes a world wide catastrophic event.
This is the story of the cross section of lives that come together through shared dreams, that centers around Mother Abagail in Hemingford Home, Nebraska, culminating in one cause, the destruction of Evil. And it’s setting itself up in Las Vegas, he was swept in with Captain Trips and he, Randall Flagg, is set on destroying whatever and whoever is left.
He is not a man and he is as much a plague as the Super Flu. And he comes to and calls the weak and lost in their dreams just as Mother Abagail calls to the others. The end of this story is as traumatic as the beginning. When winning looks no different than losing.
This is another mini series based Stephen King’s book of the same name. There are alot of recognizable faces and voices in this one. If you like a long rollercoaster ride, this one is for you.
I highly recommend the book as well, it is slightly different than the miniseries and might be easier to consume than 366 hours of movie.
There’s also an audiobook version if the book is still too much. It really is a great story, consume your preferred way. Enjoy!
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