Contact Me

Most of my social links:



I’m always surprised that people want to send me something so:


Mailing Address:

Kimberly Walker

PO BOX 10081

KILLEEN, TX 76547-0081


Just a note, if you send me a film you made or were a part of making, just know that I don’t do reviews but synopses. I try not to impact whether or not people like a movie, instead I want everyone to watch everything and decide for themselves.

So while, I won’t promise a rave review of your film, I do promise fair representation of your story in a synopsis. I leave judgement to the viewers. And my personal judgement is just that, personal. 

Also, if you are a filmmaker, FX artist in a film etc. and you’d like to be on the podcast, send me an e-mail or DM me on IG. 

Have a great day!
